1. Foarte interesant, felicitari !

    uite si reactia RIPE imediat dupa:

    The first IPv6 session began with Liviu Pislaru from RCS & RDS Romania who presented on their project to offer dual-stack IPv6 support to more than 1 million residential customers. The response from the room was very positive, with Gert Doering, IPv6 Working Group co-Chair, thanking Liviu for showing the world that this can be done

  2. Felicitari atat pentru prezentare cat si pentru reusita proiectului!

  3. Author

    RIPE a facut publica si minuta prezentarilor legate de IPv6:

    Dear working group members,

    Thank you all for participating in our last gathering during RIPE 65 in Amsterdam. The archives have been published on the website, in case you missed something.

    Attached are the minutes of our sessions. Many thanks to the RIPE NCC staff for making them. If you have any additions or corrections, please reply to this email before November 28th, 23:59 UTC. If no comments are made, we will declare these final and ask the RIPE NCC to publish them.

    In the meantime we have started preparing for RIPE 66, which will take place in Dublin from 13-17 May 2013. If you are busy deploying IPv6 or maybe if you don’t, please contribute by sharing your experiences.

    Respond to the Call for Papers as published on http://ripe66.ripe.net. Or if you want some time in our working group, contact us at ipv6-wg-chair at ripe dot net.

    Thank you,

    Marco, David and Shane


    RIPE 65
    IPv6 Working Group
    Date: Session I – 26 September 2012, 14:00 – 15:30, Session II – Thursday, 27 September 2012, 09:00 – 10:30
    Scribe: Alex Band (Session I), Matt Parker (Session II)
    WG chairs: David Kessens, Shane Kerr, Marco Hogewoning

    A. Welcome and administrative items

    * Agenda bashing
    * Minutes of RIPE 64
    * Announcements

    B. Implementing IPv6 in RCS & RDS Network- Liviu Pislaru, RCS & RDS

    The presentation is available at:

    Lorenzo Colitti, Google, commented that Liviu has real working v6 on the network and that address needs will mostly come from new customers. If those customers have an IPv6 capable CPE, they can just use something like MAP instead of NAT, and use stateless solutions.

    Marty Hannigan, Akamai, commented that the traffic stats were particularly impressive. He added that the entire Akamai platform is IPv6 enabled but on World IPv6 day, customers had to opt-in, which is why you would see mixed results on that day for Akamai traffic. With regards to the latency, he said he was going to research why that occurred and report back.

    Gert Doering, Address Policy WG co-Chair, said that he is happy that Liviu is showing the world that this kind of IPv6 deployment can actually be done. He added that Germany has had IPv6 for about 15 years, but no large broadband provider is offering it. He hopes that this example will make things happen.

    Lorenzo asked if large broadband providers in Germany are using the same technology as RCS & RDS use.

    Jan Zorz, Go6, said he hoped that there would be more presentations like this from different countries. Jan said he gathered from Liviu’s presentation that he was planning to move from dynamic /64 delegations to /56. He asked if he was planning to make it static or if they would continue to use dynamic “madness”.

    Liviu responded that they will continue to use the dynamic /56 addressing scheme for residential customers. For business customers they will use a static /48 delegation.

    Tahar Schaa, Cassini Consulting GmbH, asked if the DD-WRT CPE firmware they adapted for this project is available somewhere.

    Liviu replied that he’s happy to offer the image.

    Lorenzo commented that you can just buy a D-Link or Linksys CPE and it’ll support IPv6. He said you could go to the World IPv6 Launch web pages and can find information about IPv6 capable CPEs. He added that his point was that you don’t need to customise a DD-WRT firmware to get v6 support nowadays.

    *C. World IPv6 Launch*- Yannis Nikolopoulos, OTE
    The presentation is available at:

    D. IPv6 deployment in Forthnet- Anastasios Chatzithomaoglou, Forthnet

    The presentation is available at:

    E. IPv6 CPE Survey 2012- Marco Hogewoning, RIPE NCC

    The presentation is available at:

    F. IPv6 RIPEness- Emile Aben, RIPE NCC

    The presentation is available at:

  4. Felicitari pentru prezentare si pentru realizare, Liviu.

  5. Salut,

    scria pe undeva prin prezentare ca se intentioneaza sa se dea un /56 via PD in loc de /64 cum e acum. Mai e de actualitate sau se ramane momentan cu /64?

  6. Salut Liviu,

    eu ma gandeam la scenariul in care am nevoie de cate un /64 pentru fiecare interfata interna a router-ului, nu neaparat la prezenta altor routere in spatele CPE-ului.

    Inteleg ca totusi se poate split-ui acel /64 in prefixe mai lungi (/72 de exemplu), dar in cazul asta nu mai functioneaza SLAAC. In functie de cum am timp si chef, am sa ma joc cu dnsmasq sa vad ce si cum (as avea vreo doua interfete interne wired + una wireless).

  7. Author

    @Gabriel: daca vrei sa aloci static dintr-un /64 prefixe mai specifice (/72 cum spui tu de exemplu) este posibil. atat timp insa cat prefixul din care aloci static este dinamic devine cam lipsit de sens.

  8. Momentan folosesc sistemul asta, dar doar pe o interfata si e relativ automatizata treaba, nu trebuie sa specific nicaieri prefixul la fiecare deconectare.

    Folosesc dibbler pe post de client dhcp (care cere prefixul si il configureaza pe interfata interna) si dnsmasq care anunta informatiile pe baza prefixului configurat de dibbler pe respectiva interfata. Dat fiind ca prefixul e /64, folosesc SLAAC.

    Pasul urmator ar fi sa modific config-ul lui dnsmasq sa functioneze cu /72, adica sa trec de la SLAAC la DHCPv6.

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